
Welcome to our Webshop Development services, where we transform your online retail vision into reality. Led by co-owner Kevin Benis, our team combines technical expertise with creative flair to create webshops that are not only visually stunning but also high-performing and user-friendly.

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Explore our wall-art & watch business to get a glimpse on how we build.

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Can be combined in any way

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Why Timace Digital?

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Team Development

Our team brings 10 years of experience in e-commerce, ensuring each project benefits from their deep understanding of the digital retail landscape.

Customized Solutions

We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all. Each webshop is tailored to fit your unique brand and business needs.

Advanced Technology Use

Leveraging platforms like Shopify, Wordpress, and with the knowledge of HTML5, CSS & Javascript, we ensure your webshop is equipped with the best tools in the market.

Performance and Scalability

Our webshops are not just about good looks; they are built to perform, scale, and evolve with your business.

Seamless Integration

We ensure your webshop integrates smoothly with your existing systems and third-party services for a cohesive operational experience.

We create your webshop with..

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User-Friendly Design

At Timace Digital, we prioritize ease-of-use. Shopify's intuitive interface allows our clients to effortlessly manage their online stores, making digital commerce accessible for businesses of all sizes.

Customizable Storefronts

Our creative team leverages Shopify’s versatile templates to craft unique and visually stunning webshops, tailored to each brand’s identity. This customization ensures your online presence is as unique as your business.

Optimized for Mobile

With mobile commerce on the rise, we ensure your Shopify store is fully responsive. This approach guarantees an optimal shopping experience for your customers, regardless of the device they use.

Seamless Payment Processing

Shopify's integrated payment solutions, including Shopify Payments, support a wide range of payment methods and currencies. This global reach empowers our clients to expand their market effortlessly.

Built-In SEO and Marketing

We enhance your store’s visibility with Shopify’s SEO tools, ensuring higher search rankings. Additionally, our marketing strategies integrate seamlessly with Shopify’s tools for email campaigns and social media. However, we do not rule out the use of other external tools.

Extensive App Integration

Our solutions extend beyond the basics. Shopify’s vast app marketplace allows us to integrate advanced functionalities into your store, from detailed analytics to efficient inventory management.

Security and Uptime

Security and reliability are paramount. We trust Shopify for its robust security measures, including SSL certification and PCI compliance, ensuring your store is secure and always online.

Customer Support

Shopify's 24/7 support complements our agency’s commitment to your success. This dual layer of support ensures any issues are promptly resolved.

Scalable Solutions

Shopify grows with your business. From small startups to large enterprises, we provide scalable solutions through Shopify to accommodate your evolving business needs.

In-Depth Analytics

Data drives decisions. Shopify’s analytics and reporting tools provide valuable insights into your store’s performance, aiding in informed decision-making for continuous growth.

Multi-Channel Sales Opportunities

Expand your reach beyond the webshop. We utilize Shopify to integrate your store across multiple platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and eBay, creating a cohesive multi-channel sales strategy.

Efficient Inventory Management

Stay on top of your stock with Shopify’s comprehensive inventory management system. We set up and customize this system to keep your business organized and responsive to customer demand.

Our Approach

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1. Discovery and Consultation

We start by understanding your business, your audience, and your goals.

2. Design and User Experience (UX)

Crafting a unique design that aligns with your brand identity and offers an intuitive shopping experience for your customers.

3. Development and Optimization

Using the latest technology to build a robust, scalable, and SEO-optimized webshop.

4. Integration and Functionality

Seamlessly integrating payment gateways, inventory management systems, and essential e-commerce tools.

5. Iterative Refinement and Approval

Our development is flexible and collaborative, focused on refining your webshop until it meets your complete satisfaction for launch.

Technology Stack

Tools & platforms we use and have experience with

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Value Based Pricing

Individual Service

Select our 'Individual Service' option when you need specialized attention in a specific area. Ideal for targeted tasks like SEO optimization, single platform management, or graphic design, this option allows you to access expert services precisely where you need them, ensuring cost-effective solutions tailored to your unique requirements

Combined Services

Opt for 'Combined Services' when your project demands a multifaceted approach. This option seamlessly blends various services like web development, digital marketing, and content creation, providing an integrated solution that addresses multiple aspects of your digital presence. It's perfect for businesses seeking cohesive strategies across different service areas.


Our 'Package/Project' pricing is designed for comprehensive, large-scale projects requiring extensive work across multiple domains. Whether launching a new ecommerce platform, overhauling your digital marketing strategy, or embarking on a major rebranding exercise, this package offers a holistic solution that covers all bases, delivering value and excellence in every aspect of the project.

Ready to Launch Your Online Store?

Let us help you create a webshop that not only looks great but also drives sales and growth.

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